Bolts of Ungodly Vision scruto19 at POTSDAM.EDU
Fri Dec 13 10:37:02 EST 1996

Speaking of the 5, John sinclair has been mulling about the records studio
recently and has been releasing a slew of other MC-5 recordings for Big
CHief productions:
Among some of the ones I've seen are _Teen Age Lust: Live on New Years Day_
(its  sound quality varies (Rob Tyner's voice is sometimes just a whisper
beneath the band), but the guitars stick out very, very well...the cd's
highlight is their version of James Brown's "It's a Man's, Man's, Man's
World."), _Looking at You_, _Midnight Express_ (could be wrong about that
latter's name) but both seem to be live discs), _Power Trip_ (I think its a
various studio recordings, not too sure though), _Babes In Arms_ (a best of
w/alternate tracks on it) and I think there are 1 or 2 mores that my eye
hasn't picked out yet.

Where you gotta get down,

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