Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Fri Dec 13 13:10:30 EST 1996

In message <01BBE8E2.70043F00 at>, Mike
Parkington <mdp at TADPOLE.CO.UK> writes
>I am curious that you refer to The MC5 as a psychedelic band. Have I missed
>something here? I had always thought their music extremely unHawkish (which
>is not to say that the Hawks are the definitive psychedelic band)  more
>like Stray or a non-poppy Sweet (some of the Sweet's B sides were really
>quite heavy)  The only album I can recall hearing was Kick out the Jams.

Well, you're not wrong but labels are tricky sometimes. I think of them
as psychedelic punk, myself. They are often refered to as a psyche band,
(I think there's a subtle difference beteween psyche and psychedelic)
But, yes, as good as Kick Out The Jams was, their studios albums esp.
High Times and Back In The USA are bloody great!

I haven't heard Wayne's new CD though yet, bit skint at the moment ;(
Jon Browne

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