OFF: Bill of Rights sent to Whitehouse

Paul Mather paul at CSGRAD.CS.VT.EDU
Wed Feb 28 11:37:15 EST 1996

Mike Holmes writes:

> Wouldn't it be more effective to wait until the Election and all vote
> Libertarian? They've made it quite clear that they're utterly opposed to
> any censorship at all, on the Net or off it.

I have a recollection that in the preface to his book, _Natural Law_,
Robert Anton Wilson claimed that there were lots of libertarians
crying out for the book to be banned or removed from print.  I also
understand he has been the target of libertarian censorship and angst
over the years.

Feel free to ignore this.



obCD: The Bevis Frond, _Superseeder_

e-mail: paul at                    A stranger in a strange land.

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