OFF : Dean Drive

Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Tue Nov 5 12:50:42 EST 1996

In message <UPMAIL01.199611051128380262 at>, Andrew Gilham
<Andy_Gilham at MSN.COM> writes
>>What's the Dean Drive?
>As I remember, it was a reactionless drive that used gyroscopes to supposedly
>break Newton's third law of motion.  Pretty much the same idea our very own
>Eric Laithwaite came up with.  There was an Analog cover that showed a US Navy
>submarine in space - the suggestion being that a submarine was already
>airtight and self sufficient, just slap a Dean Drive on it and there you go.
>Funnily enough nothing much came of it.
>ObHW - "Laithwaite Star Drive" on Simon House's _Yassassim_.  See, this is on
>topic! :)
>- Andy

Anyone fancy that for the next BOC-L project? We could probably pick a
sub up pretty cheap these days. :0)
Jon Browne

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