OFF: The Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Jon Jarrett
Sat Nov 16 20:17:23 EST 1996
On Sun, 17 Nov 1996, J Strobridge wrote:
> ah ha - but the American Astrophysicists say that 42 is wrong and that the
> answer is really 65. Which I think also could agree with the book
> since (as I recall) all the hairdressers (and Arthur and Ford) end up
> back at the dawn of civilisation and have therefore subverted the
> initial programming of the rise of humanity who were supposed to
> determine the answer - so the answer of 42 was wrong and it *should* be
> something else..... yes....?
Ooh - not quite. The planet Earth was meant to determine not the
answer (which had been provided by the infallible Deep Thought, and was,
unshakeably, 42), but the question, without which the answer made little
So I guess we're no closer even if 42 _is_ the Hubble constant,
and the way I hear it it's 42 plus or minus 30 per cent... Oh, let's just
stick with existentialism...
ObCassette: BOC, Cultosaurus Erectus
ObMushroomCloud: the one used in the PT light-show to `Radioactive Toy'
last night at the Boat Race :-))
ObDisappointment: "We're tired of doing Voyage 34, so we're gonna give
you Up the Downstair", and I'd taken a friend called Brian along to see
| Jon Jarrett, Pembroke College, Cambridge |
| (01223 327450) jaj20 at |
| ======================================================================|
| "Now, back me up on this, but isn't it always the same? You've just |
| got on the phone and the bath starts running? Back me up!" Harry Hill |
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