OFF: The Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Carl Edlund Anderson
cea20 at CUS.CAM.AC.UK
Sun Nov 17 06:54:52 EST 1996
On sön 17 nov 1996 01.17 "Jon Jarrett" <jaj20 at HERMES.CAM.AC.UK> wrote:
> Ooh - not quite. The planet Earth was meant to determine not the
> answer (which had been provided by the infallible Deep Thought, and was,
> unshakeably, 42), but the question, without which the answer made little
> sense.
Which just goes to show that the arrival of the Golgafrinchans has
cocked up our ability to determine the Hubble Constant, should we determine
it to be something other than 42. Or that the asking what is the Hubble
Constant is the wrong question.
Either way, it demonstrates we should switch funding to give ourselves
all vacations in those sections of the galaxy which the Guide claims are
concerned primarily with sex, drugs, and rock'n'roll. :)
ObVictory: managing to sneak _Doremi_ into the stereo at a party without
anyone turning it off, and halfway through "Lord of Light" hearing someone
mumble "Ummmm ... Hawkwind ... cool". There's some hope for students--not
much, but some ;)
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