OFF: Re: me, myself and I

Wed Sep 18 19:09:58 EDT 1996

>>        I am the Real Steve Swann.  All other psuedo-Steve Swanns
>>are requested to immediately send me their music collections :)
>I admit I am not the real Steve Swan.
>I am a clone, I am.
So that explains it. There are actually many Steve Swann clones, and they
all contribute to the list under many names so as not to confuse the rest of


What was that old game show in the U.S. where they would have three guys (or
gals) in the shadows, and the first one would state their name, and they other
two would also say they were that person, and the panel would question them
awhile and then would have to guess who was the real person?

I keep imagining this game, and there are three guys all saying " I am
Steve Swann", " No, I am Steve Swann", and finally, " No, I am the real
Steve Swann".

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