OFF: Re: me, myself and I
Guido Vacano
Wed Sep 18 18:43:59 EDT 1996
> >
> >> I am the Real Steve Swann. All other psuedo-Steve Swanns
> >>are requested to immediately send me their music collections :)
> >
> >I admit I am not the real Steve Swan.
> >
> >I am a clone, I am.
> >
> So that explains it. There are actually many Steve Swann clones, and they
> all contribute to the list under many names so as not to confuse the rest of
> us.
This is incorrect. Steve Swann started BOC-L in 1990 as an excercise in
high tech narcissism/monist mysticism. BOC-L is a means by which Steve
talks to himself about those things he likes to talk about. We are all
Steve, but are suffering under the delusion that we are not Steve. All
distinction, including my sense of myself as a molecular biology postdoc
working in a molecular immunology lab who really should be working on a
grant application right now, is illusion. I am Steve, as are we all. Once
we fully embrace our Steve nature, the distinctions will disappear, BOC-L
will disappear, and Steve will be left sitting in front of his computer
wondering why he was talking to himself for the past six years.
Guido (I mean Steve, of course) :-)
P.S. The game was called "What's My Line". Jeez I feel old! :-P
If nothing is done, then all will be well. -- Lao Tse
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