BOC: More Imaginos
Alex S. Garcia
Mon Dec 1 11:23:01 EST 1997
John wrote :
>Well, you can have your opinions on which concept album is best (and I
>certainly am a big fan of *Dead Winter Dead*). The biggest problem with
>*Imaginos* as a concept album, IMHO, is that because it was not "
>"complete", and because the songs aren't really in the right order (I
>still say "Random Access History" is a fabricated myth to explain the
>bad sequence on the final product), it can be confusing to follow the
>"story" (o.k., we educated fans know what's going on, but to the
>uninitiated, do they really hear these songs as all part of a complete
>story? My guess is no)..
I dunno 'bout that last part, John. As I've said in the past, "Imaginos" was
my first introduction to BOC, back in 88-89. So obviously I wasn't a fan
yet, but just by simply reading the liner notes I understood the album was a
concept and could easily understand the story by just listening to the
lyrics and putting them back into order with the help of the mentioned liner
notes. I'm guessing, though, that even without the latter I'd been able to
make my way through the whole thing and still get blown by its magnificence...
Alex S. Garcia.
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