I'd pay to see you play if...

BREVARD Adrian R. abrevard at SHL.COM
Thu Jul 31 09:43:18 EDT 1997

>Anyway, back in the old days, we really did the BOC material up right.  I
>used an e-bow for Reaper and Godzilla, the whole works.  I played like
>Buck, but dressed like Bloom:  shades, leather clothes, s/m imagery.
>those were the days...

Howls!  Tell me, could you sing like Al?  If so I'd pay to see you play.
 Good luck on the Jersey Shows Marc, wish I could be there.

lil' ab

obcd - Masquerade, Surface of Pain (Very underatted record)

"Yesterday: USA Today reported that scientists have revealed that beer
contains small  traces of female hormones. To prove their theory, they
fed 100 men 12 pints of lager and observed  that 100% of them gained
weight, talked incessantly without making  sense,and couldn't drive."

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