HW: Blackheath (Forward)

langner timothy 96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Thu Jun 12 06:58:44 EDT 1997

>Not to mention Zarozinia, Shade Gate, Needle Gun (God, am I the _only_
>person who likes that song?!), Sea King, Song of the Swords, Horn of
>Fate, errr, doesn't leave much else does it? Anyway, its all down to
>personal taste of course.

There's one song on there can't remeber exact title but its about 3nd/2rd song
on side 2. Spoken. Lords of chaso? Well any way its havy speaking I think and
the effects on that are just perfect. "I am the ....." The words it jsut
perfect. Only thing I hate about is the sudden end into the next song. I also
like elric part 2 with the drums and then the guitar.

I must admit I like the sound/tones of this album but as a collection of songs
there' something missing. Needs a leveiation type song to make it better.
may be sometihng liek choose your masks.

As for live cronicals. there are better live albums! Dare I say it. The videos
good because it includes the actions and that's well done so add to it but as
the for the soudn of the live alubm. I don't like it. Choose ytour amsks sin't
as good as orginal album version. needle gun sounds better on a live tape I
ahve before that tour (cystal place 85). Agnles of deaht has been played
better.  Brainsotmr isn't much. Masters of the unvierse has been done better
else where. And only good tracks I really like are moonglum, speaking on the
video by mm before angles of death, all the other speakign bits, the keybaordy
ones like shade gate (Although there is better keybaordy songs by hawkwind
around). Basicly a lot of songs on the album have better versions live else
where and for some of the rest versiosn which ware jsut as good leaving very
few which are better.

Amy be t he ecnore is different? I have jet to watch that but I know it will
be good since mm sings song of the songs in a rare apperence they deiced
orginaly wasn't worht issuing (Stupid!)!!

Sorry for gogin on but that's my view. I'm sure someone will disagree. It's
the way of the world.

Timmy Langner

Not as bad though as ITBOTFTBD. That has good songs on it like htis one but
there they all song to much insturmneal eletronic. At least here there is some

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