HW: Blackheath (Forward)
langner timothy
96163497 at BROOKES.AC.UK
Thu Jun 12 07:16:00 EDT 1997
> I always felt the RCA albums were rather dodgy.
FRom what I've heard the only dogy album by RCA was Church of Hawkwind.
I likve sonic attack. Streets of fare may sound simalr to old song (can't
rmeber which one now). Coded alngeus is good. Okay better versions of sonic
attack (my favourit is oen from radio broadcast in 88 from h. Oden) but it's
not the worse. And I like other songs on it as well. And choose your masks. I
love that song and from what I've heard of the album (ie from the nagles of
death compilation + sliver machine) that to is good. I like farnhalt 451 (is
sci-fi the film any good? I assume they got title from that). it's only churhc
of hawkwind I don't like to much.
> Zones was pretty grim, though _This is Hawkwind_ was almost worth it
>for the rocked-up Psi Power :)
_This is Hawkwind_ has the best version IHMO of angles of death! GReat version
of leveiation! exerlent Stonehenge decoded (jst ahsmae faded out). I like
Watching hte grass grow. I did have heard better versions of PSI power. Only
because the tones have been better on the guitars but still it's okay. And the
rest of coruse if good. circles the lot. oay nothing knew but worht having.
As for znes thats not best but it does contain some perviously unissued songs
with mm on. And I love th last version of brainstorm. Waht it really needed to
be was a double album with no editing of songs and some stronger ones like
angles of death and leveitiation to make it better. It's just a sort of half
finished album IHMO with songs fade out when they are LIVE!
> Actually, I like a lot of Xenon Codex. I even like the Good Evening
>track which people usually slag off. It was humorous :)
I hvae jet ot hear good evening. I from the live tapes I ahve I like War I
susrived and Lost chronics. Wastelands is okay but there are beter songs.
What's Sword of the east like? And what is so wrong with good evening (I
havn't heard it)?
> Actually, I thought "Images" was easily the best track off the album.
>I didn't think much of the rest of it. "Out of the Shadows" ruled live,
>but sucked on _Space Bandits_.
>From what I've haerd from that album I like Wings and Images. out of the
shadows would have been good if they had not included that laugher and cut out
the cool bit before the final verse.
> Blasphemy!! :)
> Palace Springs is one of my top HW albums, along with Doremi, Space
>Ritual, and HotMG! "Acid Test" is, admittedly *really* awful. The rest of
>it I like. The "Assault & Battery/Golden Void" on it is one of my top HW
I havn't heard the album but if it's like the 1990 liev lendges video then
it's fine.
> On the other hand, I thought he mucked about with synths too much. In
>an ideal world I wouldn't let Brock near them either :) I'd hire on Del :)
Aln was good on the sythms. He wrote blue shift, some stuff on alien 4 was
good. There's a good intro to golden void on Buiness Trip live and I ahve
better intros than that even on bootlegs I have from that tour so that was
good hwoever they did to many eletronic songs on the albums. IF they can
crate a good mix live why can't they do that on the albums?
Why don't hawkwind just do a huge convention where all ex-members who are
around and willing to do it came and play with them! Note with! not instead of
but with so we could have a huge band with loads and loads of ppl
jaming/playing at once. Would it work? I think it might but providing the
musicans are good at keeping time and tune. Certianly I'd love to see del and
alan on keybaords together.
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