Jon Browne jon at COMICS.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Aug 17 06:38:10 EDT 1998

In article <199808161541.QAA05007 at>, J Strobridge
<eset08 at HOLYROOD.ED.AC.UK> writes
>obDisappointingGig> Spiritualized.  Gospel choir and Barber Shop
>harmony.  Not what I expected!

"Oh Happy day!!!
 Oh happy day!!!
 When Jesus washed,
 When Jesus washed,
 My sins away!!"

You're saying that's not spacerock? :-)

You're lucky, they can't do the choir at every gig. It's fair to say
it's choir *plus* blistering white noise feedback metalstorm on top.
His thing about gospel is not at all dissimilar to Lou Reed's Jesus bit
with the Velvets  i.e  junkie no-hoper acknowledeges that he is damned
beyond redemption.  sort of.

Works for me!

Hmmm, the barber shop bits new to me though!

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