HW: passports & such

Marshall Wood mwood at MY-DEJANEWS.COM
Wed Feb 10 13:11:06 EST 1999

Well, I finally got off my *ss and sent off my 6x9 envelope and IRCs to get a Hawkwind passport.  I hope that the Hawkwind 97 CD is still available after I get the passport...Has anyone in the US received it yet?  What is the easiest way to pay for it?

I picked up _Acid Daze Vol. 2_ (Receiver Records RRCD 126) on Monday for US$8.  So I finally heard "Douglas in the Jungle" for the first time.  Sheesh!  I was a little disappointed that there wasn't much in the way of liner notes or track details.  Now I know that this material has been packaged & re-packaged a dozen times - what's the best format to buy it in, in terms of liner notes/pictures/details/etc.?  Volume 3 is also available at the same store for the same price, but if the packaging is as cheap as the Vol 2 CD, then I'll pass until I find a better release.  Any thoughts?


NP: Kingston Wall - _I_

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