HW: passports & such

Clemens clemens at TRAIL.COM
Wed Feb 10 15:20:12 EST 1999

MWood wrote;
>Well, I finally got off my *ss and sent off my 6x9 envelope and IRCs to get
a >Hawkwind passport.  I hope that the Hawkwind 97 CD is still available
after I get >the passport...Has anyone in the US received it yet?  What is
the easiest way to >pay for it?

I have not received the passport yet.  I mailed back the form with the
photos 3 months ago.  A recent message from XXX stated they were working on
them but it was going slow.

I did not find an easy way to pay since they want payment in pounds
sterling.  You'll have to find a bank that does that and pay approx. $20 for
their service.

Good luck
Mark L
clemens at trail.com

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