pink fairies stuff

cosmos cosmos at CASEMA.NET
Fri May 14 16:22:47 EDT 1999

> I've got a really baddly scratched pink fairies vinyl which is really
>wicked and now is the time to replace it with CD. It's imaginatively
>entitled 'Pink Fairies' and is on the polydor label does anyone know where i
>can get it or a suitable alternative the tracks being;
>    the snake, city kids, wargirl, do it & well,well well
>to name just the coolest.
>cheers doc.
>ps are they still doing it and where can i hear them.

polydor just released a cheap sampler called master series.
it has all the ones on it you mentioned.
the best part is it goes on for more then 76 minutes.

so up the pinks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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