HW: Lyrics

Jonathan Jarrett jjarrett at CHIARK.GREENEND.ORG.UK
Sat May 15 09:57:15 EDT 1999

On Tue, 20 Apr 1999, M Holmes wrote:

> Government attacks and monitoring of the Net such as key escrow for encryption
> products would seem to fit in pretty well with the technology theme and
> Brock's apparently anarchist politics.

        'Streets of Fear' anyone? One of those instances where HW lyrics
seem to have prefigured reality...

> Rather than far out SF I wonder if a better concept wouldn't be some
> sort of near term hard SF such as a realistic but doomed mission to
> Mars. Backed up by either a comic or story outlining the characters and
> what went wrong, this could look a lot stronger than the Death Generator
> idea. Those of you who remember Apollo 13 will know the drama of having
> heroes struggling for survival beyond the help of anyone.

        This would be cool, but seems a bit 'straight space' to me for
where the band's output is currently heading - which is rather hippier. I
fear at the moment we're all too likely to wind up with Power Rangers or
something very similar. Not that I've got anything against space-ships and
ley-lines in the same context, I just fear that HW could become really
tacky with it. Mind you, when they actually pick up an idea they never do
what I'd expect with it, so I shall wait and see what the 'Death
Generator' thing kicks up. If it ever does.

> It could also end up fairly topical in a few years.  It fits in pretty
> strongly with things like the Hawkwind Log and poetry like The Awakening
> and First Landing on Medusa.

        Without wanting to drag them back to Moorcock more than we have
to, couldn't they do something useful based round 'The Distant Suns'?

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