Melvyn Vincent
mel at MVA.U-NET.COM
Mon Feb 5 20:07:40 EST 2001
I've been listening to Spacebrock for the past 2 weeks and it most
definitely (in my opinion) IS NOT A HAWKWIND ALBUM (in the classic sense).
It's really a Dave Brock album and the only reason ( I suspect ) that DB
has emblazoned 'Hawkwind' on the top of the front cover is simply so that
your average record store catalogues it under the 'H' ...'Hawkwind' section
where it stands a better chance of being purchased,as opposed to the 'B'
section where it could be lost for ages amongst the likes of 'Backstreet
Boys,Garth Brooks,Elkie Brooks etc,etc.
I've been trying really hard to get into Spacebrock....but I have to admit
I'm disappointed overall.
I seem to recollect a quote from DB some time ago saying how 'as an artist'
you don't regress on your move on.
So I find myself asking.....why...why...why do we have two 20 year old
tracks included (life form & some people never die)?????
Why 'Kauai' ? (from Distant Horizons 4 yrs ago)
Why '1st Landing' ? (from In Your Area a year ago)
If all these old pieces had been substantially re-worked, then it would be
easier to justify their inclusion on this album.....but they haven't.
Personally...I think 'Strange Trips & Pipe Dreams' was a better DB solo
album overall. also included old material such as 'Space is Deep'
as well as the more recent 'Death of War' but they were at the very
least,noticeably re-worked for inclusion on that album.
Spacebrock? Well.....if you cut out the old material and possibly
re-engineered and mixed the remaining tracks (as well as their
order) would be much better!
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