
Nick Medford nick at HERMIT0.DEMON.CO.UK
Mon Feb 5 20:17:23 EST 2001

In message <l03102801b6a4f2ed2d5d@[]>, Melvyn Vincent
<mel at MVA.U-NET.COM> writes
>I've been listening to Spacebrock for the past 2 weeks and it most
>definitely (in my opinion) IS NOT A HAWKWIND ALBUM (in the classic sense).
>It's really a Dave Brock album

I agree, although I like it, with reservations.

Regarding the old material: 'First Landing on Medusa' is identical to the In
Your Area version, I'm pretty sure about that. However I successfully
convinced myself that 'Life Form' and 'Assassination' had been tweaked a
bit- does this just reflect the fact that the CD sound is sparklier than my
battle-scarred old vinyl? (Although I thought 'Assassination' sounded better
on the vinyl- a bit more oomph). Is this just my hi-fi interacting with my
imagination? Are they actually the same as the originals?

Nick Medford

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