OFF: answer me this....??

Layla Thompson lthompson3 at UCLAN.AC.UK
Mon Sep 24 04:43:27 EDT 2001

Never heard of that song......

  BUT.. The Throwback IS a good book (rather enjoyed Ancestral Vices too)
 Trigger Happy TV is one of my FAVE programmes.. BUT I don't have a telly anymore, or a video, and my PS one is sitting looking sad and lonely under the little table the telly USED to sit on.... (which is now the home for Michael B's two Gerbils....)

 Was a bit ill this past weekend.. and DID listen to lotsa Hawky music.. and drank a fair amount (was off work too!!) and so feel better, and  trying NOT to worry about stuff.....

 You lot made me feel better too... thanks for that!

 I'll be good now.. HONEST.. and chill!!! :p

 And stop sending none hawkwind related posts so that I don't irritate anyone!



>>> markcotton22 at HOTMAIL.COM 09/21/01 09:31am >>>

     Don't worry too much, my personal remedy would be the following:
i)   Play "Classical Suite" by Prokofiev (Would cheer up a corpse!)
ii)  Read some early Tom Sharpe (ie The Throwback)
iii) Watch some "Trigger Happy TV"
iv)  Go find a beach and listen to the waves breaking on the shore
v)   A pint or two from Sharps Brewery in Cornwall to be slowly taken.

     Hope this helps, and remember, The Hawks are flying soon!


Mark C.

>From: Layla Thompson <lthompson3 at UCLAN.AC.UK>
>Reply-To: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List <BOC-L at LISTSERV.SPC.EDU>
>Subject: OFF: answer me this....??
>Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 22:33:36 +0100
>How worried are you that there's going to be a world war and we're all
>going to die?
>  vote on a scale of one to ten...  one being, "It doesn't bother me at
>all" and ten being "I've already quit my job and built the shelter"
>  Layla.. mind rotting in panic in Preston, England....

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