Bill & Cynthia
freeaqua at IINET.NET.AU
Wed Sep 25 09:49:52 EDT 2002
Paul wrote:
> The ironic thing is that I was wondering what the lyrics are to "Right
> to Decide" when I wrote that sentence, but, when I tried to look them
> up in "the only complete database of Hawkwind lyrics" on the official
> Web site, I couldn't find them... :-\
Okay, I'm gonna teach you all how to use Rik's site.
1. Go to favourites and click on Hawkwind Mission Control
2. Click on the spinning little square. You'll find that in the centre of
the page.
3. You'll see a little red eye - just position your mouse cursor on it and
you'll see "Control," "Home" 0r "Close"
4. Click on "Control"
5. Click on "Catalogue"
6. Click on lyrics
Hope this helps
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