A suggestion :was: From Hawkwind
mikemont at NYCAP.RR.COM
Mon Dec 8 09:00:19 EST 2003
I think you are missing a point.
CD's are portable, DVD's are not. I'm not lugging around nor buying a DVD
portable just to listen to music.
CD's don't suck. DVD's are simply a better medium for multimedia.
Finally, CD players are more ubiquitous than DVD players. It's going to be a
challenge to reach the 500 critical mass of subscribers to get this off the
ground. Putting it in a media that is not as accessible would be financial
So if Hawkwind wants to offer both that's great, but to simply offer DVDs
only just wont work from a business perspective.
the web log
the web site
the quote of the day is:
Follow the grain in your own wood.
-- Howard Thurman
-----Original Message-----
From: BOC/Hawkwind Discussion List
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 12:28 AM
Subject: A suggestion :was: From Hawkwind
Hi ya,
Like others I'm very interested in these CD's but want to know much more
of what is planned.
I get the impression they will all be soundboard recordings from the
current tour. Personally if thats the deal I'd want maybe the best one
and another one but hard to justify getting all.
If they cover a span of Hawkwind its a different matter.
But I thought about this, what is the best thing for Hawkwind and best
for us?
Small aside:-
I don't like CD I never have liked CD. I've had a DVD for 2 years.
In my life I have bought exactly as many music DVD as I have commercial
CD. I have 6 music DVD (last of big spenders!!!) I like vynal cause it
sounds good. My ears ain't great, but DVD is OK. CD sucks. (I never
fell for the you can hear the birds in the street trick CD salesmen
tried - since when can you hear birds in the street when your in a sound
proof recording studio - duh!!!)
I don't think I'm alone in my prejudice, even dvd sales suggest I'm not.
So if like 500 of us said "don't give us music cd - give us 48k shn or
48k mp2 instead" Its not putting Hawkwind to any extra trouble and we
get something better, like in the sense of value thats worth paying for.
But why not take it a step further, spend a day doing a simple 5.1 mix,
and like give us 5.1 ac3 on a cd. Production cost of cd is exactly the
same, Hawkwind is going to sound great in 5.1 without too much effort.
Hawkwind get credit for doing hi-tech hi-quality ground breaking
marketing. We get stuff that sounds cool:-)
I have a feeling if something were done that way there would be _much_
greater interest than there already is. Its a 'turn on' not a 'turn
off' to go away from music cd standard and try something better, which
should also have a pay off with more official releases.
The audio CD is going to die soon. Already there is an unofficial DVD
standard used (only???) for classical music that is 96k audio and gives
1 frame of video (ie a title) for each track (anyone with details of
standard please contact me).
So Hawkwind fans could be used as guinea pigs to try out different ways
of marketing music.
If it turns out production costs of limited edition dvd is about the
same as for cd then why not give us 96k multichannel dreamscape void to
hallucinate in?
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